MTÜ Edela Eesti Arenduskeskus
NGO South Western Estonia Development Center (MTÜ EEA) was created in Pärnu (Estonia) 2008 to stand for the best interest of local people and to develop the rural community. The aim of the NGO is to develop rural communities and to enliven the village life through various projects, to offer trainings to widen the opportunities for youngsters and their world view, also to increase the awareness of environmental problems. The target group of the organisation is society, especially young people from rural areas, whom we try to reach through various local activities. We organize various seminars and debates for young people, to increase tolerance and understanding the cultural difference, also to stand for equality and democracy. We organize various entrepreneurship training and promotional activities.We contribute to the development of local youth work, being one of the key components of the network and providing a variety of solutions for working with NEET's young people.

Ifjúsági Szolgáltatók Országos Szövetsége
ISZOSZ the Hungarian Association of Youth Service Providers was founded in 2011 as an umbrella organization of professionals and organizations dealing with youth service.
Goals: Supporting the quality development of domestic youth services; providing professional assistance and basic background for youth organizations and professionals working with youth service; and, organising meetings and professional trainings - supporting youth service work processes and knowledge transfer.

Baltic Regional Fund
Baltic Regional Fund (BRF) is a non-governmental organisation created in 2011 with the aim to develop, encourage and support creative ideas to enhance friendly and peaceful world by promoting intercultural dialogue and equality and respecting individuality. Seminars, trainings and projects open the door to new experiences, competences and opportunities by promoting non-formal education and lifelong learning. BRF is located in Riga (Latvia) but the Fund collaborates on a European level implementing educational projects. The organisation run private Youth studio “BaMbuss” where multi-faceted youth activities are organized, such as workshops, non-formal learning, discussions and specialised clubs, train volunteers, develop mentoring and peer support network and provide career counselling.

Consell Valencià de la Joventut
The Youth Council of the Valencian Community is the platform that brings together all the youth organizations and represents the interests of Valencian youth. The CJCV is a public body created by law, but independent of the public administration. The council is a space to promote democratic participation of young people, where they can report their situation to society and the policy makers, raise awareness of youth initiatives and follow up on policies for the youth, in the same way to empower young people by developing their competences by non-formal learning. The CJCV is composed by 16 regional non-government youth organizations and 17 local youth councils. The Council is part of national networks such as the Youth Council of Spain (CJE) and other cooperation networks in the field of youth such as the Trinagle Jove Fundation which is a network with the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC) and the Council of the Youth of the Balearic Islands (CJIB).